Rock Climbing Goals: 2015

Way back when-- Me, learning the ropes at Rocky Butte (just outside of Portland, OR).
Way back when– Me, learning the ropes at Rocky Butte (just outside of Portland, OR).

Since starting at High Cascade Snowboard Camp back in 2012, I have given up the freedom of having a summer. My life was dictated by a crew of snowboard-headed managers, my time dedicated to creating an amazing atmosphere for kids young and old to be consumed by. I was consumed by it too; life becomes exceedingly small when you live, work, play (and hookup) within a bubble of 120 people for 2 1/2 months.

This is the first summer in three years that I will be the sole person responsible for dictating my plans and I couldn’t be more excited! Something I heavily neglected over the last several years have been my climbing adventures. During the months of June, July and August, I was occupied with snowboarding and snowboarding camp. In the fall and winter, Portland and the PNW becomes supremely soggy and not so great for climbing. I couldn’t afford a gym pass and so let my bouldering skills fall to the way-side.

That’s what I’m excited to change this year. I’m going to physical therapy for an old shoulder injury that has kept me from fully committing to rock climbing again and gearing up to actually get back into it again. I can afford a gym membership with my new job (yay!) and am stable in Portland once again, with friends I can count on to climb with. Because of all this, I’ve begun setting some concrete goals for me to work through before the end of the year. Since outdoor climbing is so dependent on weather (and weather in Oregon can be so fickle) I haven’t set a specific end-date, I’m merely saying, “before the end of 2015” (so most likely by November).

My goals break down something like this:

  • Climb at 5.11a on top-rope
  • Lead-climb a 5.10a
  • Consistently climb at V3- V4 level at the Circuit
  • Enter the Portland Boulder Rally in the Intermediate category (in October).

These ability-goals are based off the grades that I had previously been climbing at, though raising the bar for myself so I have a new challenge to overcome. When I was last seriously climbing, I was leading 5.9’s and climbed a 5.10b outdoors. In the gym I was climbing V3’s, most V4’s and attempting some V5’s. I know I can get back to this level and I’m looking forward to it. Another part of my goal will be recording my progress on here from successful shoulder rehab to PBR (Portland Boulder Rally). It’s going to be a great time!

I want to get my fitness back and I need to face a new challenge. I’m excited to heal my shoulder fully and get back in to the world of rock climbing, a sport that has shown me some of my greatest personal potential.

I can’t wait to share this adventure with you!

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